Learn safety from experienced mariners and participate in hands-on training for emergency situations. Topics include man overboard prevention and recovery, USCG communications, best practices for managing the boat during heavy weather, equipment, weather forecasting, emergency medical interventions, and more. The Safety for Cruising course is for people seeking expert safety training but do not need certification.
Safety for Cruising course (March 29&30) $320 per person.
We offer three US Sailing Sanctioned Certificate Courses:
Offshore Sailing course (March 29) – $185
International Offshore Safety WITH Hands-on Training course (March 29&30) – $435
International Offshore Hands-on Only Training ONLY course (March 30) – $300
Be sure to check your Notice of Race to verify which certificate is required if you are signing up in order to qualify for a regatta. Participation in Hands-On Training is limited. If you are seeking training without certification, please call 410-269-0741 for more details. Or, email jstefancik@mtam.org.
Registration begins at 0700 hours at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and is hosted in Mahan Hall.